Tuesday, March 24, 2009

New Feature - Pingsta ICE Lead (PIL)

Whether you are an independent network consultant with several private customers faced with the headaches of client management e.g. providing customer references, filling out various W-9s (tax paperwork), chasing payments long after projects are completed or you are a network engineer who is tired of dishing out expert advice on various forums for free, Pingsta has the solution you need.

Based on the feedback from the Pingsta community, we've developed a new feature called Pingsta ICE Lead (PIL) that simplifies task and payment management for consulting network engineers through Pingsta ICE. PIL allows consultants to migrate existing or potential customers to the Pingsta ICE platform so they can seamlessly deliver their services and simplify all accounts management tasks.

With PIL, independent network consultants enjoy:
  • Simplified task and project management - You manage all customer support and consulting tasks via Pingsta's integrated web 2.0 platform.
  • Simplified accounts receivable - You no longer have to chase multiple customers for payments or fill out multiple W-9s and other paperwork. Pingsta pays you directly for all work done.
  • Robust backup expertise - You can rest easy from knowing that the rest of the Pingsta ICE experts will back you up on tasks that fall outside your area of expertise.
How does it work?
Pretty simple.
  1. Have your client subscribe to Pingsta ICE Pro for only $60/company/month. (You receive a 10% commission of their first years' subscription.)
  2. Once logged into their Pingsta dashboard, they can go to "Account Settings"-->"PIL" and add you as their PIL using only your Pingsta member number. They should also set the hold-time - the amount of time the task should be sent only to you - ranging from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
You now have the first-right-of refusal for all new tasks your client creates. Tasks you don't accept within the hold-time period will be intelligently routed as normal to other ICE engineers with the appropriate expertise so one of them can resolve it. You will be able to track all your PIL clients within "My PIL Accounts" under your "My ICE" tab.

Not yet a Pingsta member but looking to participate in the PIL program? No problem, request a Pingsta membership and an invitation will be sent to you once we validate your expertise.

